Monday, April 8, 2013

We're Not Dairy Cows

Regarding "CSN blackout has gone on too long" (Saturday Letters), Ralph Cooper of KCOH radio roasts, rants and rails against the broadcasters that he perceives are depriving Houston sports fans of access to Astros, Rockets and Dynamo games.  From his perspective, there never was such a collection of mustache-twirling villains as AT&T, Dish Network and Direct TV, and curiously, while he wallows in terms like "flat out lying", "greedy" and "ransom", Cooper disrespects Chronicle readers by never providing them any facts.
The truth is that Comcast and the various pro teams that form the CSN syndicate want up to $3.40 per month from every non-Comcast household in Greater Houston.  They want this money whether you're a sports fan or not.  They want it year-round.  They also want it despite the fact that for decades prior, a regular complement of Astros and Rockets games had been provided for free.  Adding insult to injury, all of these broadcasts would continue to run commercials despite fans and non-fans alike paying the subscription fee. 
I consider myself a loyal Houston sports fan, but my loyalty is being sorely tested by the greed of the Rockets, Astros, Dynamo and Comcast, some combination of which are apparently buttering Ralph Cooper's bread as well.   Forcing Comcast Sports Network on Houston's viewers is the worst kind of corporate welfare.  I say give television subscribers the right to choose, and spare us the patronizing attitude.
Pete Smith
Losing patience
Ralph Cooper of KCOH radio roasts, rants and rails against the broadcasters that he perceives are depriving Houston sports fans of access to Astros, Rockets and Dynamo games. From his perspective, there never was such a collection of mustache-twirling villains as AT&T, Dish Network and Direct TV, and curiously, while he wallows in terms like "flat out lying," "greedy" and "ransom," Cooper never provides any facts.

The truth is that Comcast and the various pro teams that form the CSN syndicate want up to $3.40 per month from every non-Comcast household in Greater Houston. They want this money whether you're a sports fan or not. They want it year-round. They also want it despite the fact that for decades prior, a regular complement of Astros and Rockets games had been provided for free. Adding insult to injury, all of these broadcasts would continue to run commercials despite fans and non-fans alike paying the subscription fee.

I consider myself a loyal Houston sports fan, but my loyalty is being sorely tested by the greed of the Rockets, Astros, Dynamo and Comcast.

Pete Smith, Cypress

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