Friday, April 12, 2013

Regarding "Report: Global warming didn’t cause big U.S. drought", (Friday Nation Page A6), a study by "dozens of scientists from five different federal agencies looked into why forecasters didn’t see (last year's) drought coming".  They concluded that it was a freak of nature that could not have been foreseen.
For us Global Warming skeptics, this is delicious.  The Global Warming community has made hay for decades by blaming every weather event on manmade CO2, going so far as to expand the symptoms from simple warming to the now universal "climate change".  Under this catch-all, if everything can be blamed on manmade CO2, then anything can be blamed on it, including colder weather, hurricanes and drought. 
How ironic, then, that having constructed models that required their predictions to be accurate, they repeatedly get caught flat footed.  The bickering within the climate change community merely exposes the nature of the scam, as when other scientists slammed the report, saying that last year's drought was in fact due to global warming.  So which is it?  Either Global Warmers can tie manmade CO2 production to climate events, or they can't.  And if they expect to be taken seriously, they ought to at least be on the same page.
Pete Smith

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