Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Less Is More

Regarding "Whereas, do-nothing Legislature is running out of time ..." (Wednesday City & State), Patricia Kilday Hart criticizes the Republican-led Texas legislature for passing only 9 bills with but 33 days remaining in the session, compared to the 31 they had passed at a similar point two years ago.
Calling Republican legislatures "do nothing" is a recurring theme for Media pundits across America.  Every Republican-led national Congress in recent times has suffered that accusation, but is it fair?  Only if you think - as Ms Hart apparently does - that quantity equals quality.  A lot of thoughtful people are of the opinion that government at all levels is drowning in legislation, with every successive bill adding a further layer of complexity and bureaucracy that is literally strangling the nation.  I don't think it would be unfair for me to assume that if Ms Hart thinks 9 bills is too few and that 31 bills is good, that 100 bills would be just awesome.  But surely there's a point at which even she would draw the line. 
I think that for every bill that is passed, the Texas legislature should kill one that had been passed previously.  Until that happens, the less bills they pass, the better.
Pete Smith

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