Friday, October 26, 2012

The UN Lurks On Texas Elections

Regarding "Abbott’s threat against foreign poll observers stirs backlash" (Page B1, Thursday), it is interesting to note who created the controversy in the first place, and it wasn't Attorney General Greg Abbott.  As the article details, United Nations-affiliated groups like OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) were approached to interfere with Texas' elections at the invitation of a variety of Democrat front groups who claimed Texas' recently passed Voter ID laws would suppress voter turnout.  Three things stand out:
1) The Texas law has been put on hold by federal courts and will not be enforced for the 2012 elections.
2) The front groups promoting the presence of OSCE included Project Vote, an affiliate of ACORN.  ACORN was itself the perpetrator of the biggest voter fraud scam in America, convicted in 2010 of registering thousands of phony voters in over a dozen states throughout the union.
3) Secretary of State Hope Andrade's contention that OSCE's presence was merely part of a "valuable information sharing program" is contradicted by the available facts.  There is little dispute that OSCE came at the behest of the Democrat front groups, and her own director of the elections division, Keith Ingram, described the OSCE team as "observers".  
The 11th hour claim by OSCE and their supporters that they were merely here to learn does not pass the smell test.  
Pete Smith

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