Friday, October 12, 2012

LTE: Slauson's wrists slapped

Regarding "Jets' Slauson fined $10,000," (Page C7, Friday), there's an epidemic of dirty play in the NFL that revolves around the intent to injure. It's time to get it under control.

The fine for ending Brian Cushing's season and possibly his career - according to the NFL - is equivalent to what offensive lineman Matt Slauson earns roughly every ten minutes of a football game.

Since any objective review of the play shows that it was a dirty hit from behind that targeted Cushing's knees, I suggest Slauson and players like him pay a higher price. If their victim is out for the season, so are they, and they don't draw a paycheck while they're out.
That should get things under control.

Pete Smith, Cypress

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