Sunday, October 21, 2012

Political Correctness In The Age of Biodiversity

Just read "Strong Navy is necessary for U.S. security" in the Sunday Chronicle, and oh, how I laughed.  Many thanks to Juan M. Garcia III, Assistant Secretary of the Navy for manpower and reserve affairs for an inadvertently humorous piece that tells us almost nothing as to how we can maintain a strong navy, other than to deploy a "Great Green Fleet" fueled in part by bio-fuels and other enviro-friendly technologies. There was one passage in particular that I found sublime: "We have tripled our solar energy use and we are exploring wind, geothermal and hydrothermal power. These initiatives will give us a fighting advantage in the next war, and may help avoid the next war altogether."
It's nice to know that the Navy has rediscovered the advantages of wind, albeit that Garcia was talking about windmills as opposed to sails, but it boggles the mind as to how Green technologies could be deployed to any particular fighting advantage on a ship. And how exactly could it be used to help avoid the next war altogether? Would some future enemy unilaterally disarm in the face of our awesome commitment to Gaia? Why do people write such things? Can they just not help themselves?
We must be thankful, I suppose, that Mr. Garcia didn't find any particular military advantage in Biodiversity, or sundry other of the fashionable catchwords of the day; but then, he may simply be holding them in reserve to be the gist of some future articles extolling the manifest virtues of political correctness.

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