Monday, October 29, 2012

The AP Quotes Themselves

Re: "Obama appears to have upper hand in tight race" (Monday, Page A5), this article reports that "President Barack Obama is poised to eke out a victory" over Mitt Romney for the presidency, "according to an Associated Press analysis".  What I find most interesting about this article is that it was authored, not by a person, but by: the Associated Press.
It's a curious journalistic practice at best when a news organization like the AP quotes itself in the third person as the supposedly reputable source of the analysis.  Kind of makes you think they couldn't find a more impartial source to come to the same conclusions.  What takes it from curious to questionable is the fact that this "analysis" comes courtesy of a news organization that openly supports Barack Obama, and has repeatedly skewed its coverage in his favor. 
What makes it laughable is that the AP seems to think there's no level they can stoop to in presenting their opinions as news that would cause them to lose credibility, an ever-diminishing virtue amongst the ranks of so many in our Media.
Pete Smith

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