Saturday, October 13, 2012

LTE: Prize morphs into a farce

The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize has gotten so politically correct in the modern era - absurdly so - that it was inevitable that I would eventually read these words: "European Union wins Nobel Peace Prize" (Saturday World), and laugh out loud upon reading them.
In the last decade, the laughs came courtesy of the increasingly dubious cast of characters who won, including Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, Barack Obama and Yasser Arafat.  Going back even further, the laughs were provoked by the numerous occasions upon which the Nobel committee has awarded the Prize to an inanimate object with no discernible track record in promoting peace.   Previous non-corporeal and unworthy entities to win the prize in the past 25 years have included the United Nations (2001), the International Atomic Energy Agency (2005), and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2007).
This year, however, the Euros - apparently dealing with self-esteem issues so massive that they failed to appreciate the absurdity of their actions - have decided to give the award to: themselves.
I wait with bated breath to see how they top this one next year.  Anybody want to handicap the likelihood that the Nobel Committee will award the next Peace Prize to.......the Nobel Committee?
Prize morphs into a farce

Regarding "European Union wins Nobel Peace Prize" (Page A19, Oct. 13), the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize has provoked a lot of laughs in the past. In the last decade, it was for the increasingly dubious cast of characters who won, including Jimmy Carter, Al Gore and Barack Obama.

In the past 25 years, it was because the Nobel committee has - on multiple occasions - awarded the prize to an inanimate object with no discernible track record in promoting peace.

Previous non-corporate entities to win the prize include the United Nations (2001), the International Atomic Energy Agency (2005), and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2007).

This year, however, the Euros have outdone themselves, and the laughs come courtesy of self-esteem issues so massive that they decided to give the award to: themselves.

I wait with bated breath to see how they top this one next year.

Pete Smith, Cypress

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