Thursday, January 22, 2009

Caroline Kennedy Ponders Her Options

There was a flurry of activity yesterday regarding Caroline Kennedy's efforts to occupy the New York Senate seat previously held by Hillary Clinton, and long ago by her deceased Uncle, Bobby Kennedy. With Senator Ted Kennedy's seizure during the Inaugural luncheon, speculation was rife that she would pull back on the New York initiative to pursue the Masachussetts seat currently held by her stricken Uncle Teddy.

Wednesday, however, Kennedy reaffirmed her commitment to pursue the New York seat, commenting that, what with the uncertainty of Uncle Teddy's condition, it would be unseemly to pursue the Massachusetts seat at this time.

Later in the evening, however, Senator Kennedy's condition took a turn for the worse, and Caroline Kennedy announced today that she would be withdrawing from the New York candidacy to pursue the opening in Massachusetts.

There has been no word yet as to whether she will wait for Senator Kennedy to die before applying for his seat.

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