Friday, January 2, 2009

An Inaugural Poem

We shall dispense with praise of Rocks and Trees,
And tribute to the Bees, the Birds, the Fish,
With Maya Angelou upon her knees,
Will Justice Roberts consummate her wish..... consecrate The One, the Cause, the Fight,
As voters finally did what they were told,
Still chastised for the crime of being white,
And bowing to a finger-wagging Scold.

The Scold wore many faces with the label,
Be it Sharpton, Rangel, Jackson, Wright or Lee,
The One made room for race-pimps at the table,
And will serve their bile as appetizers, see?

And praise you Moderates, the timely vector,
When principle was killed for pragmatism,
You'll get a handout from the Public Sector,
And four full years of rote Obamaism.

The Roll Call of your names will cause the puckers,
to the buttholes of the losers in this Cycle,
You played your party for a bunch of suckers,
Hey Senator McCain, meet Robert Michel!

But scorn can still be nurtured, albeit reserved,
For those who sell out freedom to a Cipher,
Their ignominy more than well deserved,
For deference to a Governmental Lifer.

So tip a glass to Dems and Fellow Travellers,
Their time has come, and they control the game,
The gang of Scrounges, Thieves and Great Unravelers,
And thanks for effing nothing all the same.

But hang in there Conservatives, be cheerful,
And train your sights on midterms, twenty ten,
Accomodationists are getting fearful,
We'll save the world from Liberals, once again.

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