Friday, January 23, 2009

Global Warmers Have No Shame

In an earlier post (Globaloney Warming, Dec. 9th, 2008), I had voiced numerous criticisms about the pseudo-science of Environmentalism, at least as practiced by those who believe that Man is killing the Earth. Among the more egregious of their practices is to game the data by interpreting it any way they want. The most egregious of these was their decision to repudiate satellite measurements of the Earth's temperature because those measurements refuted their claims that the Earth was getting warmer.

Now, satellites are just fine with this crowd for use in predicting everything else about the Earth's environment: weather patterns, measuring pollutants in our atmosphere, calculating ozone depletion, ocean activity, you name it, just not in measuring the Earth's temperature.

Until yesterday, that is. An Associated Press article reported on a new study published in "Nature" that showed that Antarctica - heretofore observed to have been cooling - was actually warming. Now, there's two interesting details about this:

First, all the data prior to this showed that Antarctica has actually been cooling since at least 1980 - and conceivably well before that - and that ice has been accumulating there as well; in fact, in such quantities that it likely offset all observable loss of ice in the Arctic. This, of course, was most disturbing to the digestion of Global Warmers. What's the point of trying to get people to listen to your Chicken Little rantings about imminent disaster and Global Flooding if the Antarctic refuses to play ball and get in line with your computer model?

Second, and this is a beaut, the most recent study contradicting 3 decades of data on Antarctica and purporting to show that it is actually warming was based on - get ready - temperature readings taken by satellite.

This is as base as cherry picking gets. To validate that which you had previously invalidated because it did not support your preconceived notions, only to revalidate it when its data can be interpreted to support your preconceived notions. Of course, that's not the end of the story. I predict that this "study" will be dissected, and it will turn out that they had misinterpreted the satellite readings on the Antarctic.

These are Democrats, after all. Nothing is so fluid as fact, and that which can be observed must be interpreted, lest people start getting ideas of their own.

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