Thursday, January 8, 2009

Why The Beef About Panetta?

What's the fuss about Obama naming Leon Panetta as the head of the CIA? Granted, Panetta's held no posts in Congress or his stint as a Clinton era nutbuster that had anything remotely to do with foreign intelligence gathering, but that's hardly a reason to disqualify the guy out of hand. After all, if actual qualifications mattered, America wouldn't have made Barack Obama their president, now would they?

So, is this an anomaly, or is there a pattern to Obama's choices to date? Let's look at his selections for other key positions:

- Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. Zero foreign policy credentials, including her 8 years as a senator, except for her claim that her airplane took some Triple A when she visited Afghanistan several years back. Most memorable foreign policy experience: declaring in 1996 the existence of WMDs in Iraq and calling for the military overthrow of Saddam Hussein, then declaring her neutrality, then enthusiastically throwing GW Bush under the bus starting in 2006 for having exactly the same views that she did prior to her run for the presidency.

Her only other major accomplishment was to be the cuckolded wife of Bill Clinton. Can't wait for her first meeting with Sarkozy: "Ah, Madame Secretary. So nice to meet ze wife of Bill Clinton. His appreciation of cigars is most creative, and so very French. As we say in France "si votre épouse pas fellate vous, votre maîtresse". And now, let us discuss NATO, shall we"?

- Bill Richardson as Secretary of Commerce. A Government Lifer with Zero business experience, unless you include the bribes he took from contractors in return for state business. In retrospect, though, he is cut from exactly the same cloth as Ron Brown, the Clinton Bag Man and former Commerce Secretary, and a close personal friend of Richardson's during his stint as Energy Secretary.

Probably a good thing Richardson had to drop out because of the corruption thing, since Brown's plane rather suspiciously ran into the side of a hill once his corrupt dealings started to become an embarrassment for Clinton. Not to say that Obama is that bloodthirsty, but one can't be too careful.

- Janet Napolitano as Secretary of Homeland Security. Zero anti-terrorism experience and zero foreign policy credentials, unless you include her cheerleading while her state (Arizona) was being overwhelmed by Illegal Immigrants. Another Clinton era hack (U.S. Attorney), and not on Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Christmas Card list, by the way.

- Eric Holder as Attorney General. Lot's of government experience as U.S. Attorney and Deputy AG to Janet Reno The Berserker, but more typically the kind that puts you in the Defendant's chair. Amongst other criminal enterprises, he held Reno's coat while she burned 91 people alive at Waco, then again when when she directed the FBI to attack the family of Elian Gonzalez with M-16s so as to forcibly repatriate the child to Communist Cuba.

He also used his office to absolve the FBI assassins who killed a right wing mother holding her baby at Ruby Ridge. Man, those were some good times for Democrats. They got to murder people at will and terrorize their opponents without so much as a cross letter to the editor - much less any grand juries. The Chi-coms should have had such a compliant press.

Holder finished off his stint as a Clinton Goon by engineering the pardon of international terrorist and long-time Democrat Party fundraiser Marc Rich. Google that one for a truly amazing read.

And that's just the short list. Obama's major picks are all Clinton retreads, mostly with the stink of corruption on them (except for Panetta), a curious choice for a man who ran on the theme of change. That may have been the price Obama had to pay to neutralize Hillary as an opponent; or it may have been the price he had to pay in order to get Bill and Hillary to turn over copies of those FBI files on the 3000 most prominent Republicans in the U.S., not to mention his own.

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