Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Vagina Envy and Bill Maher

Well, it's post-election, and I've got a few things on my mind, such as: why are Bill Maher and all the other haters still blathering about Sarah Palin?

Google Sarah Palin these days and you'll get a virtual smorgasbord of critique, bile and parody. Ask liberals of either gender why they dislike Palin, and their answers range from the calculated lies of Charlie Gibson, to Katie Couric smug-bites, to the hybrid of parody and incoherent rage of Tina Fey. Couric and Fey in their public personas have held Gov. Palin up to public ridicule, whilst out of the glare of their day jobs they have pumped up the faithful by telling them what they REALLY think of Sarah Palin. Both have turned themselves into world class woman-haters, and it's not pretty.

My theory is that it's Vagina Envy. Prominent liberals react almost viscerally to Palin's attempt to legitimize herself as a political force in America, having produced five children. They object not only to her fecundity, but that it is put on such brazen maternal display; they not only object to this brazen display, but that she apparently snaps right back into a size two; they object not only to the fact that she snaps back into a size two, but that she dares to celebrate family; they not only object to the fact that she celebrates family, but that in so doing, she's a contradiction to their abortion rights mantra; they not only object to the fact that she's a contradiction to their abortions rights mantra, but.......well, you get the idea.

We could go on like this all day. Easier just to say that Sarah Palin invalidates much of what Feminists stand for by celebrating the vagina for what is arguably it's primary purpose. Fey, who according to Wikipedia is "a committed environmentalist and drives a hybrid", must agonize over the carbon footprint not only of Palin's five children, but in particular that of Palin's newborn, who has Down's Syndrome. The only thing likely to drive her crazier is to discover that Gov. Palin also enjoys herself in the sack, likes the missionary position and views her husband as the head of the household. Interesting to note that the first two of these are the only crimes against feminism as yet unexplored by the leading feminist lights.

It has been so for every prominent female Conservative, just as it has for every prominent Black Conservative. These two constituencies are reserved for the Democrat party, and woe be unto anybody who dares to suggest otherwise. Just ask Joe the Plumber, representing another constituency - the working stiff - that Democrats hope to monopolize. You don't suppose it ever occurred to Obama and his apparats to ask nicely for Joe's support, do you? I'm assuming they didn't, and just skipped to the demonization part, or they did ask nicely, he refused, and then they skipped to the demonization part. Joe, meet Sarah and Clarence Thomas. Y'all have a lot in common. The lack of middle ground on the part of liberal paranoiacs is a sight to behold.

So, what is it that liberals find so very objectionable about Sarah Palin? The stock answer is her alleged lack of intelligence, experience and/or gravitas, a strange conclusion from the side of the political spectrum that gave us the maniacally scripted resume-scrounge Barack Obama, and his congenitally loggorheic and certifiably insane sidekick, Joe Biden. And while we're on the subject, has Palin in her public career said anything that even comes close to these gems of stupidity:

- "I will meet with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad without pre-condition".

- "I remember when President Franklin Roosevelt addressed the American people on television after the '29 market crash...."

- "I propose a $300 billion dollar fund to refinance subprime loans".

For the sake of brevity I'm paraphrasing just slightly here, but those are the literal utterances of Barack Obama, Joe Biden and John McCain, respectively. One undoes 30 years of bipartisan diplomatic hardball with an Islamist terrorist state; another invents a president and a technology, neither one of which existed in 1929; the third invites all purchasers of high interest mortgages to default on their obligations. And yet, these three gentlemen all emerged pretty much unscathed in the eyes of the liberal elites - not to mention the media - for these comments.

You've got to admit, Sarah's holding up pretty well by comparison.

Liberal animus to Palin does not come without a price. Contorting your brain's logic centers so as to blame the nation's ills on one petite woman from Alaska is very much like trying to get an inoculation against mental disease. While they might be successful in shouting this bogey down, what are they going to do when there's a dozen more Sarah Palins running around the body politic spreading the same message four years from now? How will their paranoid brains process the phenomenon? Can they goad the Media into assassinating the character of each and every Sarah Palin that's coming down the pike?

I suspect not, but it will be fun to watch them try, and fun to watch them unravel. Which brings us to Bill Maher. Tonight on The Tonight show, he repeated the canard about Palin not knowing that Africa was a continent, a contention that has been as thoroughly disproved as a rumor can be, including the reports of credible eye-witnesses. The original accusation, of course, came from a "McCain staffer who wished to remain anonymous", which is reporterese for "I made this crap up". Maher then unleashed a string of bile and finished by describing Palin as 'a MILF - Moron I'd like to Forget', causing even Jay Leno to look uncomfortable. No mean feat for one of the biggest liberal ass kissers in Hollywood.

How to explain such vile behavior? I believe Maher is suicidal. He exhibits all the classic signs: An inability to experience joy, projection of his various psychodramas onto other people, including producing a documentary for religion-haters, his unresolved issues about the size of his head relative to the rest of his body, not to mention questions about sexual identity.

Vagina envy. It's not just for women you know.

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