Monday, November 10, 2008

Self Inflicted Wounds

A friend of mine sent me a Robert Frost poem that she felt exemplified this past election as far as John McCain's undoing was concerned:

On Our Sympathy With The Under Dog, by Robert Frost

"First under up and then again down under,
We watch a circus of revolving dogs.
No senator dares in to kick asunder,
Lest both should bite him in the toga-togs".

Well, one may sympathize with the sentiment that John McCain was undone by the MSM and all the other Usual Suspects. And while that is all undoubtedly true, I can't help but wonder how well he might have fared had he not pandered to them at the expense of his party, and was inspired to express that notion in verse:

"And how to sympathize we say at last,
with a man who so repudiates his past?
Who craps on those on brung him to the dance,
and refuses them some seltzer down their pants?

He'll bob and weave, it ever has been thus,
and throw his VP pick under the bus.
Then reimbrace his pals at M.S.M.,
And re-become 'The Maverick' once again".

All props to the great Jack Paar, whose line on seltzer I borrowed for this verse. While not the best rendition by far, the end result could have been a lot worse.

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