Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Democrats Have Short Memories

The battle cry of my liberal friends and national pundits to the conservative community is to shut up and "give Barack a chance", as if our knee-jerk reaction would be to give up on him right out of the chute.

For the moment, let's put aside the straw man mentality that went into that formulation. If Obama is all the bad things that we Republicans believe him to be, his being elected president isn't going to change that. More to the point, what exactly do Democrats mean when they bleat "give him a chance"? Nobody seems to know, but it is yet another opportunity to marginalize conservatives as idealogues who can't keep an open mind. On a more salient point, Republicans now control nothing in the federal government. Do the Democrats even need to give a crap whether we "give him a chance"? No. The Democrats know this as well, yet another example of their insincerity.

I'm tempted to point out as well that if Conservatives do "keep an open mind" and support Obama, and - this is important - he doesn't disappoint us, he will have earned our trust by betraying the left wing policies of the people who brung him to power. Let's face it: nobody in their right mind believes that more Socialism is going to solve our economic problems when it was Socialism that got us into this mess in the first place, and nobody believes that surrendering America's autonomy to the U.N. is going to improve our image abroad. The Democrat's best hope is that their plans to spend us into a trillion dollar yearly deficit will be blamed on the Republicans by the MSM, which will most certainly happen.

See, liberals think that the bile that has been accumulating in their guts during eight years of Bush hatred actually equates to a Karma that can be deployed to blame him (and Republicans) for everything bad that happens for the next four years. Obama has bought into this rhetoric by constantly referring in his speeches to the "terrible mess we're in". So much for incenting conservatives to give him "a chance". I expect him to beat us like a rented mule for the next four years, albeit eloquently, and with daily calls for us all to "come together as citizens of this great nation", his gaze lifted to the horizon, and queue the heroic music.

Which brings us back to the Democrat rallying cry to "give Obama a chance". Where, pray, was this bipartisan call for fairness during the eight years of the Bush administration? Democrats have notoriously short memories, but I don't. I recall in the 8 months leading up to 9/11 that the Bush administration's biggest priority was getting the Cabinet and hundreds of other posts approved by a Democrat controlled Congress, a process that typically takes mere weeks, but sabotaged by partisan Democrats bound and determined to handcuff the Bush administration at all costs.

Their obstructionism was unprecedented, even for Democrats, who have made a cottage industry since the Reagan years out of villifying any and all Republican appointees, be they Supreme Court justices, cabinet secretaries, or even nominees for the lowest of bureaucratic positions. The strategy is simple: tie the Republican's hands and they appear to be incompetent in governance, as opposed to the briskly efficient Democrats. A lapdog media will do the rest in getting the message out to the masses. Repubs - to their discredit - have largely avoided such shenanigans when a Democrat is in the presidency, and they will roll over for the Obama administration as well.

So, after Obama gets all the appointees he wants, and in record time, will that constitute "giving Obama a chance"? Will Repubs get any credit at all for bipartisanship? Don't count on it. Democrats can't help themselves in these situations. They will portray the most principled objections to Obama's excesses as "obstructionism", and NBC will dutifully report them as such.

The detachment from reality will be surreal. You heard it here first.

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