Sunday, May 14, 2017

Public Safety or Profit?

Regarding "Cell ban nearing penalty phase" (Sunday Page A3), the reporter bends over backwards to portray Sugarland's $500 fine for any use of a cell phone while driving as all being done in the interest of public safety.  The article also suggests that most of the people likely to be ticketed would be Sugarland residents.

Both of these premises are likely false.  The Southwest Freeway, Highway 6 and Route 90 all run through Sugarland, making it an ideal location for a ticket trap.  That explains not only the outrageous fine, but the draconian ban on any cell phone use at all.

This is a money grab, pure and simple.  A measly 10 tickets a day nets Sugarland almost $2 Million in fines per year, and unlike their ticket trap red light cameras, payment is mandatory and they don't need to share the proceeds.

It will be interesting to see what other driver behavior Sugarland next conjures up as being a threat to public safety that needs to be fined.  At this rate, we shouldn't have to wait long.

Pete Smith
Cypress, TX

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