Sunday, May 28, 2017

LTE - Predators Lurk

Regarding "Legislature beyond bounds of reason on bathrooms, vouchers", Lisa Falkenberg excoriates Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and legislators for passing a bill that would restrict persons of one sex from using the bathrooms of the opposite sex in public schools, stating "I gather Patrick is concerned that a male sexual predator would put on a dress to enter a women’s bathroom — even though doing so is already illegal if that predator attacks or even bothers somebody in that bathroom."

This is the same false logic that she and other opponents to the legislation have used time and again to define this issue.  First off, there is no dress code for sexual predators or anybody else entering a public restroom.  As to the second part of her argument, it's small comfort to the chickens that it's illegal for a fox be in the hen-house with ill intent.

That is why sexual predators, like the fox, must be denied access.

Pete Smith
Cypress, TX

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