Sunday, May 7, 2017

Liberal Logic Gets People Killed

Regarding "House delays discussion on knife bill days after stabbing" Sunday (Page A6), reacting once again to political correctness, lawmakers are refraining from proposing legislation to permit the carry of larger knives in Texas due to a concern that such liberties might appear insensitive to the victims of the recent and horrific knife assault by a college student on the UT Austin campus.

What's lost in the argument is the fact that the assailant in the knife attacks - Kendrex J. White - murdered one and injured three others with a "large hunting knife" that is already illegal to carry in the State of Texas.  Without a hint of irony, UT President Greg Fenves criticized the legislation and promoted the "Safe Space" culture that infects UT by declaring that "allowing knives on campus is a bad idea.”

He should be forced to explain how depriving law abiding students from having weapons accomplishes anything other than ensuring that there will be plenty of lambs on campus for the next Kendrex White to slaughter.

Pete Smith
Cypress, TX

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