Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Hyperbole In Sports

Regarding "Tiger takes another tumble in fall from grace" (Monday Front Page), after reading this article, I am more convinced than ever that modern celebrity worship is a wretched and pointless exercise, designed to demean not only the object of public affection and their fans, but the reporters that cover them as well.

Take this piece written by Jenny Dial Creech, for instance.  There used to be only two subjects absolutely guaranteed to cause otherwise sensible Houston sports reporters to take complete leave of their senses and then wallow in endless rhetorical excess: Johnny Manziel and Brock Osweiler.  We can now add to that list Tiger Woods.

Notwithstanding the relative insignificance of his DUI in Florida, Tiger Woods and Chronicle readers were subjected to world class hyperbole.  The story was a tragedy of epic proportions, at least in Creech's telling, fraught with psychoanalysis, blame, judgment, regret, speculation and concern for the sport of Golf.

Jenny, it's a game.  It's participants are entertainers.  Time to chill and dial it back about four notches.

Pete Smith
Cypress, TX

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