Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Hyperbole In Sports

Regarding "Tiger takes another tumble in fall from grace" (Monday Front Page), after reading this article, I am more convinced than ever that modern celebrity worship is a wretched and pointless exercise, designed to demean not only the object of public affection and their fans, but the reporters that cover them as well.

Take this piece written by Jenny Dial Creech, for instance.  There used to be only two subjects absolutely guaranteed to cause otherwise sensible Houston sports reporters to take complete leave of their senses and then wallow in endless rhetorical excess: Johnny Manziel and Brock Osweiler.  We can now add to that list Tiger Woods.

Notwithstanding the relative insignificance of his DUI in Florida, Tiger Woods and Chronicle readers were subjected to world class hyperbole.  The story was a tragedy of epic proportions, at least in Creech's telling, fraught with psychoanalysis, blame, judgment, regret, speculation and concern for the sport of Golf.

Jenny, it's a game.  It's participants are entertainers.  Time to chill and dial it back about four notches.

Pete Smith
Cypress, TX

Sunday, May 28, 2017

LTE - Predators Lurk

Regarding "Legislature beyond bounds of reason on bathrooms, vouchers", Lisa Falkenberg excoriates Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and legislators for passing a bill that would restrict persons of one sex from using the bathrooms of the opposite sex in public schools, stating "I gather Patrick is concerned that a male sexual predator would put on a dress to enter a women’s bathroom — even though doing so is already illegal if that predator attacks or even bothers somebody in that bathroom."

This is the same false logic that she and other opponents to the legislation have used time and again to define this issue.  First off, there is no dress code for sexual predators or anybody else entering a public restroom.  As to the second part of her argument, it's small comfort to the chickens that it's illegal for a fox be in the hen-house with ill intent.

That is why sexual predators, like the fox, must be denied access.

Pete Smith
Cypress, TX

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Muslims and Latinos

Regarding "Houston mosque embraces Latinos into family of Islam" (Page A17), I found it curious that article referred to "the deep connections between the Latino and Islamic cultures" including "a shared history, which dates back to the Moorish occupation of the Iberian Peninsula."

That "shared history" was the invasion of Europe by Islamists that subjugated most of modern day Spain and Portugal for nearly 7 centuries before being driven out.

Latinos might reflect on that and all of the modern day wars waged in the name of Islam before concluding they have so very much in common.

Pete Smith
Cypress, TX

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Public Safety or Profit?

Regarding "Cell ban nearing penalty phase" (Sunday Page A3), the reporter bends over backwards to portray Sugarland's $500 fine for any use of a cell phone while driving as all being done in the interest of public safety.  The article also suggests that most of the people likely to be ticketed would be Sugarland residents.

Both of these premises are likely false.  The Southwest Freeway, Highway 6 and Route 90 all run through Sugarland, making it an ideal location for a ticket trap.  That explains not only the outrageous fine, but the draconian ban on any cell phone use at all.

This is a money grab, pure and simple.  A measly 10 tickets a day nets Sugarland almost $2 Million in fines per year, and unlike their ticket trap red light cameras, payment is mandatory and they don't need to share the proceeds.

It will be interesting to see what other driver behavior Sugarland next conjures up as being a threat to public safety that needs to be fined.  At this rate, we shouldn't have to wait long.

Pete Smith
Cypress, TX

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Arnold As Role Model

Regarding "Schwarzenegger: ‘Self-made’ a myth" (Friday City | State), the actor and former governor proclaimed at the U of H commencement that "the whole concept of the self-made man or woman is a myth.  I just didn’t materialize like the Terminator in a fireball on the streets of Los Angeles."

That is more true in Schwarzenegger's case than you could possibly imagine, but not because of the "takes a village" message he was promoting, unless by village you mean the drug dealers who provided the massive doses of steroids that he injected into his body to become Mr. Universe and a movie icon, or the former Nanny whom he impregnated.

Arnold Schwarzenegger as a moral icon qualified to preach to students about self awareness is a joke. Just ask his ex-wife Maria Shriver.

Pete Smith
Cypress, TX

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Liberal Logic Gets People Killed

Regarding "House delays discussion on knife bill days after stabbing" Sunday (Page A6), reacting once again to political correctness, lawmakers are refraining from proposing legislation to permit the carry of larger knives in Texas due to a concern that such liberties might appear insensitive to the victims of the recent and horrific knife assault by a college student on the UT Austin campus.

What's lost in the argument is the fact that the assailant in the knife attacks - Kendrex J. White - murdered one and injured three others with a "large hunting knife" that is already illegal to carry in the State of Texas.  Without a hint of irony, UT President Greg Fenves criticized the legislation and promoted the "Safe Space" culture that infects UT by declaring that "allowing knives on campus is a bad idea.”

He should be forced to explain how depriving law abiding students from having weapons accomplishes anything other than ensuring that there will be plenty of lambs on campus for the next Kendrex White to slaughter.

Pete Smith
Cypress, TX