Thursday, January 9, 2014

What In God's Name Were They Thinking?

Having followed the "Bridgegate" story the past couple days and now having watched Governor Christie's press conference, what is of interest to me is that the press continues to miss the real story.  The initial reports dealt strictly with the efforts of a handful within his administration to exact political revenge on a small town Democrat mayor by blocking traffic over the George Washington Bridge.  Now the stories are moving on to what Governor Christie knew, and when he knew it. 
Left completely untouched is why his deputy chief of staff and a low level appointee to the Port Authority would conspire to seek such petty retribution, much less discuss it so openly on state owned telephones and computers, much less think that it was not going to blow up in their faces.   
One reporter did address it indirectly, asking Christie if he had spoken to the people involved.  He said he hadn't.  What I want somebody to ask them is "what in god's name were you thinking?"  The answer should reveal a lot about the nature of New Jersey politics, not to mention Governor Christie's presidential prospects. 

Pete Smith
Cypress, TX

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