Friday, January 3, 2014

LTE: Doomed To Fail

Regarding "Kerry: Peace still possible despite rifts" (Friday World Page A8), the current peace talks forced on Israel by yet another American administration are following a predictable script: Palestine will not negotiate until Israel makes a "good will" gesture; that gesture is always the release of Palestinians who have bombed, shot and murdered Israelis.  Israel releases the prisoners; Palestinians give them "a hero's welcome"; Palestinians insist on concessions that literally insure the destruction of Israel; The negotiations fail; The American Secretary of State goes home empty handed; Islamists declare yet another "Intifada" and resume attacking Israel.
These efforts will always be doomed to failure because none of the organizations that represent Palestine have (has) any desire for peace.  For proof, you need look no further than the fact that PLO President Mahmoud Abbas gave the terrorists released from Israeli prisons "a hero’s welcome", even though he said out of the other side of his mouth that he "did not condone (their) deeds".  In the bizarre world of Middle East politics, this makes Abbas a "moderate".  What he is in reality is a man whose sole agenda is the destruction of Israel.  Don't take my word for it: hatred not just of Israel but of Jews is taught throughout the Palestinian school system, and has been for generations.
These negotiations will never go anywhere until American politicians grasp this reality.  Surely former Palestinian President Yassar Arafat's rejection of President Clinton's peace plan in 2000 and the Intifada that followed is all the proof you need as to the folly of negotiating with terrorists.
Pete Smith
Cypress, TX
Regarding “Kerry: Peace still possible despite rifts” (Page A8, Friday), the current peace talks forced on Israel by yet another American administration are following a predictable script: Palestine will not negotiate until Israel makes a “good will” gesture; that gesture is always the release of Palestinians who have bombed, shot and murdered Israelis. Israel releases the prisoners; Palestinians give them “a hero’s welcome”; Palestinians insist on concessions that literally ensure the destruction of Israel; the negotiations fail; the U.S. Secretary of State goes home empty-handed; Islamists declare yet another “Intifada” and resume attacking Israel.

   These efforts will always be doomed to failure because none of the organizations that represent Palestine has any desire for peace. For proof, you need look no further than the fact that PLO President Mahmoud Abbas gave the terrorists released from Israeli prisons “a hero’s welcome,” even though he said out of the other side of his mouth that he “did not condone (their) deeds.” In the bizarre world of Middle East politics, this makes Abbas a “moderate.” What he is in reality is a man whose sole agenda is the destruction of Israel.

   These negotiations will never go anywhere until U.S. politicians grasp this reality. Surely former Palestinian President Yasser Arafat’s rejection of President Bill Clinton’s peace plan in 2000 and the Intifada that followed are all the proof you need as to the folly of negotiating with terrorists.

Pete Smith, Cypress

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