Friday, January 24, 2014

Congratulations Mr. Christie, Here's Your Supoena

There's a certain irony in reading that former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell is being pursued so relentlessly by federal prosecutors for allegedly accepting $165K in gifts and loans, when the current governor Terry "Global Crossing" McAuliffe used his influence with the Clinton Administration to scam tens of millions.  McAuliffe is also the guy who invented the modern day practice of renting out the Lincoln bedroom for money donations to the Clinton campaign.  But don't take my word for it, read Mother Jones:

It's also no coincidence that McDonnell is a Republican and McAuliffe a Democrat.  Obama's thoroughly politicized justice department is also pursuing New Jersey Governor Chris Cristie over a whiff of scandal while generations of his Democrat predecessors got a Hall Pass for blatant corruption, and the IRS is stalking a handful of Republicans in Hollywood for trying to do on a tiny scale what Hollywood liberals have done globally for decades. 

If Democrats were judged by the same standards they apply to Republicans, McAuliffe would be sharing a cell with Bernie Madoff; Al Gore and former Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner would have the cell next door; and Nancy Pelosi would occupy whatever the female wing reserved for politicians who - like Gore - stole in excess of $100 Million dollars.  I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for any of that to happen, but we can always dream.

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