Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Piling On Greg Abbott

It's always refreshing to see a major institution like the Chronicle making an effort to treat disabled folks the same as those who suffer no disability.  That said, you might want to reconsider how much attention you focus on Greg Abbott, our current Attorney General and recently declared Republican candidate for governor.
Since Monday, the Chron has run three stories that have questioned Abbott's integrity, including Lisa Falkenberg's piece today on his alleged grandstanding in the Planned Parenthood fraud trial.  Not to say that Abbott should be immune from criticism, but the justification for criticizing him in all three cases was scant to say the least, and the two articles that ran Monday were particularly outrageous, since both went to great lengths to read him out of the Disabled Community only because he is a disabled Republican who doesn't sufficiently support Democrat positions on the rights of the Disabled.
My overall impression is one of Chronicle columnists intent on discrediting Abbott in the eyes of voters with articles that are opinion-rich and lacking in relevance.  I find this curious, considering the breathless and glowing reportage provided to Senator Wendy Davis during her 12 hour filibuster against the abortion bill.  Sundry columnists went on and on about the sore back she endured for having to stand up for 12 hours, and made her a hero for it.
I'm no fan of Abbott's, but I wait with bated breath for a Chronicle columnist to draw a comparison between a dilettante like Senator Davis and the wheelchair-bound Abbott, who on a daily basis deals with the kind of adversity that Davis experienced only once.  In the meantime, maybe y'all could spread the wealth, as it were, and criticize a Democrat every now and again.
Pete Smith

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