Monday, July 1, 2013

Do Pro-Choice Protesters Represent Texas Women?

Regarding "Back for a new abortion fight" (Monday Front Page), the article referred to the "pro-choice activists" who successfully disrupted the last attempt to vote on the package of abortion bills with their "angry chants and yelling".  What the article did not mention is how unrepresentative of Texas and particularly Texas women that crowd is.
First off, their ring leader is Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards, who travelled all the way from New York City to stick her nose into Texas business, not to mention protect Planned Parenthood's business interests.  The balance of the protesters - as reported by the Amarillo Globe News - was a conglomeration of far Left Wing groups, including NARAL (the National Abortion Rights Action League), Occupy Austin, the International Socialist Organization and GetEqual Texas, "a gay rights grassroots organization". 
In other words, all of the usual Left Wingers who protest anything and everything, and generally in the most unsavory and uncivil manner possible.  And it's no accident that the organizers had to rely on the Occupy movement for bodies to pack the gallery.  They are professional protesters, their only forms of public expression being to generate noise, destroy public property and crap in the bushes.  Either way, the protesters come across as a bunch of tantrum-throwing, entitlement-scrounging litterbugs with Daddy issues.  To look at them, it would not be unreasonable to assume that the majority of these folks a) aren't from Texas, and b) don't have children. 
And this lot is supposed to "represent" Texas women?
 If the Repubs are smart, when it's time for the vote, they should announce free tacos in the Rotunda.  Those galleries will be cleared in five seconds, and the legislature can conduct their business with decorum and in peace.
Pete Smith

1 comment:

  1. Was there today and I've never protested anything before. I stood until Ms. Davis spoke, and I let my voice be heard. Judging from the size of the pro-choice assembly today compared to the showing of pro-"lifers" it most certainly appears as though we are the majority, but what do I know. Im just a woman right?


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