Tuesday, July 16, 2013

LTE: Don't drop Polanski case

It was interesting to read two different takes in the Wednesday Chronicle on the Roman Polanski affair. In "Another Voice" (Page B8), the Los Angeles Times declared that Switzerland was wrong to refuse the extradition of Roman Polanski to the U.S. for his crime of drugging and sodomizing a 13-year-old girl on the basis of highly suspect technicalities. In the Newsmakers section (Page A2), the victim of the crime, Samantha Geimer, declared "enough is enough" and that the pursuit of Polanski for his crime should end.
Failure to pursue this heinous crime would establish a precedent for all future pedophiles: Commit these crimes in the United States, then flee to the safe haven of Switzerland or other countries in Europe with a similar disdain for the rule of law. Geimer seems unconcerned that other young girls might suffer her fate by the horrible precedent being established. Switzerland seems unconcerned that it could become the pedophile capital of the world. The Swiss and Geimer should both be ignored, if not for their own good, then for that of the future victims of pedophiles.

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