Monday, July 22, 2013

LTE: Waste Continues

Regarding "Housing costs for top brass reviewed" (Monday Nation), it's not every day that you can read an article about berserk overspending on perks for government employees and find something at least as outrageous.  I'm referring to the cost of the study ordered by the Pentagon to investigate taxpayer abuse by members of our Top Brass.  The study, which investigated 32 swanky homes for military leaders, cost $320,000.
That study cost taxpayers $10,000 per home.  I'm here to tell you that opening a filing cabinet and reviewing the lease and maintenance costs on a residence ought to take a competent auditor less than one hour, with a rough cost of $100.  So once again, the good folks who brought you the $5000 toilet seat are true to form, and oblivious of the fact that anything is wrong.
Out of control spending merely begets more out of control spending.  It's also interesting that the article mentions no disciplinary action for the rampant abuse: nobody got demoted, fired or prosecuted.  Why not?
Pete Smith, Cypress

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