Monday, May 27, 2013

Well If It's Democrat Pedophilia, That Makes It OK

Regarding "Cannes fest honors same-sex romance" (Monday Newsmakers), it's a strange world we live in when our Cultural Elites applaud pedophilia, such as Steven Spielberg and others did in awarding the top prize at the Cannes Film Festival to a French movie about an older woman who molests a 15 year old girl.  Then again, maybe not so strange.  The same folks celebrating this movie also forgave Roman Polanski for his rape of a 13 year old girl, and defended Woody Allen when he molested the teenage daughter of his common-law wife Mia Farrow.
A decade ago, our Cultural and Political Elites also celebrated The Vagina Monologues, the most prominent of which told the story of an older woman molesting a 13 year old girl.  What in the world is going on when public figures as diverse as Steven Spielberg and Hillary Clinton applaud such vile nonsense?  At minimum, they should be required to explain themselves to parents across America who strive to protect their children from predators.
Pete Smith

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