Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Medical Cartels Will Bankrupt America

Regarding "Hospital billing varies wildly, U.S. data indicates" (Thursday Nation), what stands out is not how much the prices vary, with simple pneumonia treatment from $14,610 to $38,000, or pacemaker implant surgery from $70,712 to $101,945.  No, what stands out is that all of these prices, including the lowest ones, are insane.  I've been treated for simple pneumonia.  I was examined, given a shot and a prescription and booted out the door, all in under two hours.  I've had numerous friends and relatives with pacemaker implants: the surgery was a simple, brief and uncomplicated procedure, generally done outpatient.  There is no way these prices possibly be justified.  For but one comparison, how can a two hour surgical procedure cost more than what an engineer makes for an entire year of work?
Americans used to recoil in horror from stories of the $500 hammer and the $3,000 toilet seat of military procurement, but the military/industrial complex has got nothing on the medical/industrial complex.  In 1972, military spending and health care spending both took up about 6% of GDP.  Since then, military spending has remained about the same, while health care spending has tripled to 18% of GDP.
No wonder America is going bankrupt: the medical cartels and our politicians are out of control, and until there is a true marketplace for health care services, nothing will change. 
Pete Smith
Hospital billing
Regarding "Hospital billing varies wildly, U.S. data indicates" (Page A5, Thursday), what stands out is not how much the prices vary, with simple pneumonia treatment from $14,610 to $38,000 or pacemaker implant surgery from $70,712 to $101,945.

What stands out is that all of these prices, including the lowest ones, are insane.  I've been treated for simple pneumonia. I was examined, given a shot and a prescription and booted out the door, all in under two hours.

I've had numerous relatives with pacemaker implants. The surgery was a simple, brief and uncomplicated procedure, generally done outpatient. There is no way these prices can be justified.

No wonder America is going bankrupt. The medical cartels and our politicians are out of control, and until there is a true marketplace for health care services nothing will change.

Pete Smith, Cypress


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