Saturday, May 4, 2013

Democrats Will Regulate You To Death

Regarding "Cartoon Flap" (Thursday Letters), letter writer Chris Hansen defends the right of the Sacramento Bee to publish the now-infamous "Business is booming!" cartoon featuring Rick Perry and showing the plant explosion in West, Texas.  Hansen blames the low regulation environment in Texas for the tragedy and holds up California as an example of a high-regulation state where this kind of disaster would not happen.
That's funny, considering that every year California loses more homes and lives to wild-fires and landslides than the rest of the nation combined, every single loss avoidable assuming California more closely regulated where they allowed people to build.  It's also ironic that Hansen's home state of Colorado leads the nation in deaths due to avalanches and mass murder.  Surely all of those are preventable with just a little more regulation?
The other point here is that Hansen was perfectly willing to justify this shameful cartoon and the opportunity to dance on somebody's grave to make a political point.  It is worth noting that no newspaper in Texas has ever seen fit to so degrade California - or Colorado - after any of their tragedies. 
Pete Smith

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