Sunday, May 19, 2013

Not Quite Time To Panic

Regarding "Eventful week par for course" (Sunday Sports), since the beginning of the season, the Astros have been lambasted time and again for fielding a minor league team with a minor league payroll - as reflected in the won/loss column - despite the season only being one fourth complete.  For that and some other cosmetic reasons, it appears Astros' management has pushed the panic button, giving the boot to president and CEO George Postolos. 
But is it time to panic?  Houston seems to be on exactly the course laid out last year, stripping the team of veterans, going with youth and building the farm system.  If there is cause for panic in the Majors, I'd say that would be with the majority of the 14 teams with payrolls over $100 Million who will likely not be going to the playoffs.  Say what you will about the 'Stros won/loss record, they will have a ton of high-paid talent on the sidelines with them come post season, including the LA Dodgers and Angels. 
Further, most of those big salary teams are saddled with long-term contracts for long-in-the-tooth players, much as Houston was with Carlos Lee.  Take the Angels for example.  Superstars Albert Pujols and Josh Hamilton are posting the worst offensive stats of their careers, and as of today the Angels have five measly wins more than our 'Stros to show for their $142 Million payroll.  If that trend continues through the season, LA will end up paying $7 million for each additional victory they achieve over the Astros, and they will still end up with 95 losses, despite having Houston as an easy win for the entire season. 
My point is that way more often than not it is proven that money doesn't buy happiness in Major League Baseball.  Smart baseball decisions will.  We need to be patient, and give the 'Stros some time.

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