Monday, January 21, 2013

Murderous Pit Bulls, Part 17

Regarding "4-year-old dies after neighbor’s pit bull attacks" (Monday City & State, page B2), the only thing more distressing than the title of the article is the disclaimer in the first sentence stating "Criminal charges are not expected to be filed....".   It appears that because the pit bull that killed the four year old was chained up, that everything is fine.  And if a toddler comes on your property and is torn apart, well, that's his problem.
As much as I distrust the use of our civil courts in pursuing justice, it appears that this is the only venue left to the public.  We need to start suing pit bull owners, pit bull breeders, neighborhood associations, insurance companies and even municipalities, since our public servants - after decades of killings and maimings by pit bulls - seems content to do nothing.
Let a thousand lawsuits bloom.
Pete Smith

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