Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Adios, Republican Party

Dear Senator Cornyn:
Please be advised that I am abandoning the Republican Party, in part because of your decision to support Mitch "Earmarks" McConnell in abandoning Republican principles of small government, in full because the Republican Establishment - that pragmatical element that functions as an appurtenance of the Democrat Party – has apparently captured the soul of the Republican Party.
A rational person can't even conceive of what Senate Republicans were thinking in supporting Joe Biden’s package, nor do your explanations make any sense.  On taxes, not only did you concede to the Democrats siphoning an additional $600 Billion from the Private Sector over ten years, you got nothing in return, not even a permanent respite from the so-called Fiscal Cliff.  And not only did you get nothing on reducing berserk government spending, you agreed to hundreds of billions of additional spending over the next decade.

Republicans historically have distinguished themselves from Democrats by standing on principle instead of political expediency; that is the reason right-minded people supported the Party.  Now, with the exception of a few senators and a small House caucus, that is all gone.  Your moves have played right into the Democrats’ hands, and as a consequence Democrat spending will continue out of control, as will the expropriation of personal wealth to finance their berserk theft.  In two months, you will cave on extending the deficit, and given what has occurred to date, it is not inconceivable that you will eventually give Obama unilateral control of the debt ceiling, as he has demanded.  Is that not the natural consequence of a political strategy driven by the desire to avoid blame?  That is, sir, all that you Establishment Republicans have to offer.

I could not be more disappointed in you or your peers, nor your concerted efforts to destroy the Republican Party.

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