Sunday, January 6, 2013

Biggio Is A Slam Dunk

Regarding "First swing at immortality" (Sunday Sports, Page 1), Brian T. Smith proclaims "Even if Biggio doesn’t get the needed 75 percent Wednesday, the Astros icon relishs a full life".  Is there any doubt he will get it?  In addition to the 3000 hits and other gaudy offensive stats, you can count on one finger the number of Hall of Fame nominees who have also played three distinct skill positions (catcher, infield and outfield), much less played them with distinction, much less whilst being a world-class base stealer.
And that doesn't begin to address the intangibles: Craig Biggio was a Leader, mentoring younger players his entire career and demonstrating how to be a world class ballplayer during the Steroid era through hard work alone.  Those qualities won the Astros additional games, no doubt about it.
Biggio making it into the Hall on the first ballot should be a no-brainer.
Pete Smith

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