Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Kubiak The Meek

After making it to the AFC championships for the second year in a row in 1980, Bum Phillips famously said "Last year we knocked on the door. This year we beat on it. Next year we're going to kick the.....s.o.b.... in." In six years, Bum Phillips compiled a 59-38 record and took Houston to the playoffs three times, and this in a division that included the legendary Pittsburgh Steelers. Despite that, he was fired by the Oilers after the 1980 season.
How times have changed. By comparison, Gary Kubiak has in seven years compiled a record just a few games over .500, has gone backwards in late season play in the past two years, and wasn't even close to a second round playoff win this year. It's interesting to speculate how the timid Kubiak might have paraphrased Phillips though: He barely knocked on the door last year. He wasn't even close to banging on it this year. And nobody would seriously claim that he's going to kick anything next year, except perhaps the can down the road.

Playoff contenders must be bold, as are perennial winners like Bill Belichick of the Patriots and up-and-comers like Jim Harbaugh of the 49ers. If Kubiak even wants to make it to the playoffs next year, he needs to focus on winning games, not avoiding defeat.

Pete Smith

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