Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I Agee With President Obama

Well crap. OffHisMeds never expected to be forced into the position of agreeing with President Obama on anything, since he's given us literally no reason to ever agree with him on anything. $1.2 Trillion Stimulus program? Insanity or evil, take your pick. Two plus year apology tour to the rest of the world for the USA? Craven. Manifest lies about the cost of Obamacare? Please.

That said, I can't fault his reticence to commit the USA to military action against Libya in the slightest. The hyperventilation of my Right Wing Homeys notwithstanding, committing yet more of America's Blood and Treasure to yet another war front with absolutely no commitment by either our European allies or the sundry Middle Eastern Potentates who will benefit from Muammar Gaddafi's discomfort makes no sense to me.

If Obama had boldly committed to dethroning Colonel Gaddafi without an international consensus, is there any doubt at all that France, Germany, England and all the other European Suspects would have simply sat on their hands and let us haul the load? After all, these are the countries whose GDP exceeds our own, but whom collectively have contributed only 10% of the Treasure and 5% of the Blood to our Middle East military interventions. Meanwhile, they have been the craven yet mute beneficiaries of America's collosal sacrifice.

Amnerica is well into its second century of supporting a Europe that has grown accustomed to letting us pay their bills. Obama is the first American president to require them to step up to the plate, and amazingly, they have. France and England have taken the lead in calling for a No-Fly zone over Libya, and are providing at least some resources to enforce it. Sundry Middle Eastern Potentates have also given their sanction to defeating Gaddafi, and committed planes to the effort.

Is OffHisMeds the only one to appreciate this historic turn? Requiring our allies to carry their own load ought not to be extraordinary. In this case at least, President Obama - with his response - has made that clear.

So, shut your pieholes Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, John Bolton and sundry congressional Republicans. You should have been on Obama's side on this issue, since it speaks to the common-sense constiuency so vital to your own well-being, otherwise known as the Tea Party.

It's time for you to walk this one back, quickly.

One final note: This riff is not to say that Obama does not have blood on his hands. He stood by for two years - as did all of Europe - while the forces of a Muslim dictator in Sudan murdered hundreds of thousands of non-Muslims in Darfur.

Of course, I'd probably be accused of conspiracy was I to point out that Sudan has no oil.

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