Sunday, January 31, 2010

Selling America Out

With the Surge complete and the troop drawdown in progress, Iraq seems well on its way to becoming a functioning democracy, all thanks to the USA, and no thanks due to the likes of France, Russia, Germany, Turkey, China - or the Democrat Party.

Why mention those five countries in particular? Because they were to a large extent, a) the countries that were outright committed over the past 19 years to sabotaging America's efforts to battle Islamo-Fascism in the Middle East and, b) the countries that now stand to gain the most from contracts with Iraq and Iran to develop their oil fields. The Democrats role in this boondoggle we'll get to later.

Recent articles demonstrate the point. Iraq has awarded huge new oil production contracts to France, Russia and China, while American oil companies have been largely shut out of the process, and Turkey will benefit from the development of oil fields along their southern border with Iraq. Seems that Iraq, having recently acquired a keen sense of Ethics, has decided that the Occupiers should benefit not at all from the wealth that will flow thanks to their new-found political stability, all courtesy of the American taxpayer.

Meanwhile, Iran, the sole and unambiguous beneficiary of the overthrow of Iraq, has awarded huge oil contracts to China, Germany and Russia, and it's business as usual with Germany and France as Iran's largest trading partners for other industrial products and manufactured goods. Not that OffHisMeds is advocating for US trade with Iran. Rather, he wishes to point out the depravity of our so-called Allies as they allow us to spend hundreds of billions every year preventing war between Iraq and Iran, the result of which, perversely, is a gusher of economic opportunity in Iran, even as Iran provides the IEDs that weekly maim and murder American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.

OffHisMeds has only a few guidelines by which he lives, the first and foremost being The Golden Rule, which in Texanese can be summed up thusly: "Dance With The One That Brung You". Yet, in the world of commerce - or at least the post Iraq war version practiced by Democrats - not only is America relegated to the sidelines while Iran and Iraq enrich our adversaries, America is expected to pay for the dance.

It has ever been thus. Since World War I, the USA has blown the wealth of its citizens subsidizing a bunch of ingrates perfectly capable of fending for themselves but who, through a combination of ingrained fecklessness, self-regard and greed, have maneuvered themselves to the brink of disaster time and again. In return, they have demonstrated an almost endless capacity for allowing the USA to foot their bills and save their sorry hides, whilst simultaneously demonizing us for having done so. As the final insult, they elbow their way to the front of the line to benefit from the wealth that flows from our efforts.

This couldn't have happened without complicity from America, for which I give you: the Democrat Party. Functioning as the domestic arm of the Hate America crowd, Democrats have time and again painted the USA as beholden to Greedy American Corporations intent on World Economic Dominion. And while the Oil Companies have been their favorite target, Democrats have generously spread the defamation to any and all American corporations with an international footprint, destroying their competitiveness and thus threatening America's sovereignty.

The perfect expression of this insanity involves one of OHM's other favorite Metaphors: the story of The Little Red Hen. You remember her; she's the one that attempted repeatedly to get the other barnyard animals to help her grow the wheat, harvest the wheat, grind it into flour and bake it into bread. There were no Takers, and she ended up doing it all herself. However, when the bread was then to be eaten, the other barnyard animals lined up for their serving, and The Little Red Hen told them - in so many words - to pound sand.

For the purposes of clarity, America is The Little Red Hen, and the other barnyard animals are the Ingrate nations of Earth. That said, metaphors are rarely perfect in expressing reality, and this one breaks down at a certain point as well. In reality, not only were the other barnyard animals given their fair portion, they stole all of the bread from The Little Red Hen, criticized her for having made it in the first place, and demanded indignantly to know when there would be more.

Which brings me to my third favorite Metaphor: The Goose That Laid The Golden Egg. Thanks to Democrats' enthusiastic embracement of any and all who repudiate American Exceptionalism - not to mention those that actively seek its destruction - that Goose will soon not only stop laying Eggs, it will become a meal itself, at which time freedom and liberty will vanish from the Earth, and what remains will be whatever the hell our Opponents want it to be.

And only once America ceases to function as the guarantor of freedom and stability in the world will Democrats perceive any threat to themselves, and not a small percentage of their Elite members will look with satisfaction on their handiwork, exchanging toasts with their paymasters in China, The Middle East and Europe with whatever refreshment most appeals to the palates of Commies, Arab Sheiks or the Mafias run out of Brussels, and all so ably represented by the new head of the Democrat Party, the international crime lord and neo-fascist Poster Boy for the Hate America crowd, George Soros.

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