Friday, December 4, 2009

LTE: Missing the boat

Chronicle editors put forth a thoughtful analysis but missed the boat on a couple of key points.
First, while you deserve kudos for not lapsing into use of the politically correct term “undocumented workers,” any sensible person should take exception to the notion that just because they got here, America must take care of them. That's not only wrong, it's the very thing that has fueled and continues to fuel the orgy of illegal immigration America has experienced for the past thirty years, and retarded political reform in Mexico and various other countries in Central and South America.
Second, the contention that illegal immigrants deserve to be counted in the Census and thus have congressional representation is offensive not only to the rule of law, but common sense. If you provide representation, are you not disenfranchising legitimate citizens? As much as providing free health care, education, welfare and various other subsidies, is this not yet further incentive for continued illegal immigration?
Finally, it is not just the states with low immigrant populations that lose political clout, but states like Texas and California as well. Since illegal immigrants are counted in determining the number of congressional seats allocated to a state, those additional seats do not promote democracy, and they do not benefit the legal citizens and taxpayers of those states, but the minority special interest groups such as La Raza that purport to represent the illegal immigrants. California is the textbook case of how massive illegal immigration coupled with gerrymandered districts ensures maximum political representation for lawbreakers and the continuing disenfranchisement of the citizenry. The result is a state that has devolved to Second World status and is well on the way to Third World status.
If the Chronicle wants to productively address the whole question of illegal immigration, why not start with the root cause: the endemic corruption of Mexico and other countries that deprives people of not only political representation, but health care, education, security and, in many instances, simple subsistence? And if you want to clarify the debate and what is really at stake here, start calling these unfortunate souls what they are: Refugees.
Pete Smith, Cypress

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