Friday, June 19, 2009

First, Get Rid Of The Truthtellers

It's funny how slow The Media has been to respond to the firing of Gerald Walpin, the government auditor who reported the misuse of AmeriCorp funds by political allies and cronies of President Obama. This story has many compelling aspects, including the character assassination by his superiors and the stinks-to-high-heaven timing, but the most astonishing aspect is this: President Obama got personally involved, and ordered him fired.

When have you ever heard of a President getting involved in personnel decisions at such a low level? I recall The Media's eagerness in the past two years to put George W. Bush's fingerprints on the firing of several Attorney's General and declare them "politically motivated", even though there was little evidence of such.

Walpin is several pay grades below Attorney General, and his audit was small potatoes, yet for all that, Obama took a personal interest very early on. Now, as the story progresses, we have compelling evidence that suggests that President Obama is up to his eyeballs not only in the firing of a whistle-blower, but the subsequent demonization and cover-up. Why does The Media have no opinion about this?

Because we live in a police state, that's why. A supplicant Media is the first and key ingredient in the propaganda apparatus necessary for the State to control society. Just ask Obama's friend Hugo Chavez, or Fidel Castro. Doubt it? There is one major media outlet that is not on board with Obama's "vision": Fox News. One major media outlet is advertising the story of Gerald Walpin: Fox News. Four days ago, President Obama criticized by name a specific media outlet as being "entirely devoted to attacking my administration": Fox News.

Shades of Hugo Chavez.

Never in the history of the Republic has a President singled out a specific newspaper, radio station or television network for criticism. Never has a President singled out a low-level employee for termination and villification. Supreme Leader Obama did both.

I predict that this controversy will be swept under the rug, as have so many before. That's too bad. There's a great story here.

1 comment:

  1. I told you this a year ago. The foundation for the Obama "National Police Force" which he touted during the campaign is already in place with the Black Panthers and ACORN sycopants.
    Like the Emperor Caligulia said and the Emperor Obama might well say, "Let them hate, as long as they fear."
    It's coming to a street corner near you.


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