Thursday, June 4, 2009

Barack's Obeisance Tour, Part II - Israel

Fresh off the second leg of his world-wide Obeisance & Apology Tour (the first two being to Europe and S. America), President Barack Obama has ventured to the Middle East to next apologize to all the Nations of Islam. He had, of course, already apologized to them repeatedly in earlier months, but nothing says sincerity like doing it in person. Plus, he owed the Sunnis a big production, having committed the protocol breach in May of first engaging the minority Shia, with particular outreach to those unclean dogs the Persians of Iran, long may their camels be infested with fleas, and so themselves and their families.

Hey, that's not my opinion; that's the prevailing Sunni sentiment, so don't shoot the messenger, particularly when he's being clever.

Commentators have agonized over the fine line that Obama must tread in his outreach to both the Sunnis and the Shiites, since they are as mortal of enemies to each other as Islam itself is to the rest of the world. That is why Obama's strategy cleverly embraces a three-prong strategy: 1) Apologize for America's existence; 2) Make concessions to Islam and its dictators; 3) Throw Israel under the bus.

Barack is well on his way to achieving all three objectives. The Obeisance is well (and hilariously) documented in this blog and other places: As you'll recall, our Prez got the ball rolling when in London he bowed to the dictator of Saudi Arabia in a very subservient manner, getting the Presidential Noggin perilously close to the Royal Jewels in the process. Much of the Middle East cheered, and Democrats proclaimed it a good thing, whilst simultaneously saying that he had not bowed. You be the judge:

On the concession front, Barack has not only denied that America is a Christian nation, he has suggested that it is very much an Islamic nation. He also told the Saudi king on Monday that he had no intentions of undercutting energy consumption in America to the point that it would effect prices for the Saudis. Astonishingly, The Media had no reaction to this, even though energy conservation - and "ending our reliance on foreign oil" - was the centerpiece his presidential campaign.

I'm not surprised though. On Tuesday, Obama said that taxation of existing health-care benefits was "back on the table", even though he beat John McCain like a rented mule for having proposed the same thing last fall as part of health care reform. Predictably, the Media portrayed his flip-flop as further proof that Obama had "grown" while in office. I assume Obama promising Abdullah he'll get oil back up to $100/barrel is further evidence of this "growth".

As to throwing Israel under the bus, Obama's strategy is right out of Bill Clinton's playbook:

1) Marginalize the democratically elected head of Israel. Obama has pointedly ignored Benjamin Netanyahu, refusing to meet with him during a recent visit to America and criticizing his administration to the world. But that Obama would grant the newly-elected leader of Israel the same "honeymoon" that he has enjoyed. It's ironic that it is once again Netanyahu being portrayed as a Bad Guy by a Democrat president. In the 90's, Clinton pressured Israel to overthrow him, naming Netanyahu as the sole obstacle to lasting peace in the Middle East. We all know how well that worked out.

2) Loudly protest the building of additional settlements by the Israelis on the West Bank, thus portraying Israel as a party of bad faith, whilst simultaneously propping up the legitimacy of their opponents in Palestine. Again, a version of the Clinton strategy - who supported Arafat and the PLO. This go-round, Obama will portray Hamas as a viable political partner with whom Israel should negotiate. This despite the fact that Hamas, like the PLO, is a terrorist organization committed to Israel's destruction.

3) Remove Israel from our protection. In this instance, Obama has severely one-upped Bill Clinton, as much as conceding that, if Iran were to successfully launch a nuclear missile at Israel, that the United States would not respond. Keep in mind that it is only necessary to destroy Tel Aviv in order to destroy Israel, something even an historical illiterate like Barack Obama surely understands.

The good news is that, even if America has forgotten the Clinton era, the Israelis have not; and they have politely and not so politely told Obama in any number of ways that he can pound sand.

Meanwhile, even though Obama's personal popularity is high, most of the Middle East still hates the United States, Western Society, Democracy and all we stand for. Which brings us to the Main Event, his speech in Egypt, wherein Obama will once again apologize for America's existence, offer further concessions, and once again throw Israel under the bus, this time in the nation that has been the home of the Muslim Brotherhood, the very well-spring of most anti-Western sentiment, notwithstanding that we give Egypt billions every year.

It's strange how all of the apologies we offer, all of the Extortion money we pay and the innumerable treadmarks we inflict on Israel gets us nothing other than the further radicalization of the Muslim community, more violence against Westerners and an ever-increasing number of Islamist terrorist organizations such as Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Al Quaeda and CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations). Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter tried this approach. Reagan, Bush the Elder and George W. tried it to a lesser degree. They all failed.

That Obama has not learned the lessons of history is clear; and in his speech today, it is not a question of whether he will sell us out, but by how much. Meanwhile, Israelis should update their insurance policies, make up a living will, and sharpen their swords. It looks very much like they're on their own.

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