Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Democrats Gone Wild - On Taxes

OffHisMeds is happy to report that the Obama Administration recently got caught with their hand in the proverbial cookie jar when they attempted to enforce an obscure - and certifiably insane - IRS rule that sought to declare as taxable income all personal phone calls or e-mails that employees made on company-owned cell phones and PDAs. You can't make this stuff up, folks; it was reported in an AP article from June 17, 2009, and everybody knows that the AP is Obama's official Bedwarmer, forever hopeful that they will be allowed to stay in the Presidential chamber once their primary duty has been fulfilled, forever moist, forever unfulfilled.

The AP's tumescence notwithstanding, they truthfully reported that, after "sparking an outcry" over attempts to enforce the rule on taxing calls on company-owned cell phones, the Administration heroically reversed course, declared the rule "stupid", and promised they would revoke it.

Here we have the perfect illustration of Democrat hypocrisy: first, they write the stupid rule; then they fail to enforce the stupid rule; then, when scrounging for yet another "revenue" stream to inflict on the American people, they try to resurrect the stupid rule; then when they get spanked, they reverse themselves and of course take credit for getting rid of the stupid rule.

Of course, there's stupid, and then there's Stupid.

On the truly Stupid front, Democrats are trying to deny deductions to drugmakers for the expense of advertising prescription drugs. They promise this tax will net another $37 billion, apparently believing that sales of drugs happen without advertising. Note to Democrats: you denied GM and Chrysler the right to advertise; how's that working out for you? Dems also are moving forward with Carbon Credit taxes, additional sales and utility taxes, taxes on soft drinks, additional taxes on various imports, additional taxes on Internet sales, and additional taxes on the Oil companies if they drill for more oil or gas.

And those are merely the tip of the iceberg.

Democrats are going for the brass ring with some truly big, big, big tax increases, including imposing income taxes on health benefits. You remember those, don't you? Obama declared John McCain an evil capitalist bent on the destruction of the middle class when he suggested them, albeit that everybody would get a tax credit to make up the difference. Obama's plan includes no tax credit. So, that's a minimum of $20,000 of additional taxable income for the average family. 20% of that on 80 million families comes to another $320 billion in taxes every year. Democrats are also letting Bush's tax cuts expire, driving marginal tax rates back up to 38%, and have effectively killed reform on the Inheritance Tax, allowing them to confiscate up to 50% of your wealth from your children forever. That's another $500 billion in taxes every year.

Democrats are also imposing yet more taxes on cigarettes (over three bucks per pack now) and budgeting all of the proceeds as part of their ten year economic forecast, even as they simultaneously declare ciggies a controlled substance subject to numerous new restrictions regulated by the FDA, and all designed to drive down the sale of cigarettes. This continues to be another of OffHisMed's favorite Democrat contradictions. If the FDA is successful, there will be an enormous tax revenue shortfall in the future. However, that's money that the Obama Administration has already spent.

Don't ask them to explain the dichotomy, and don't expect the Media to bring the subject up. When the "revenue shortfall", as they so virtuously refer to it eventually comes to pass, they will then with a heavy heart and the greatest of reluctance force additional taxes so as not to create a "deficit". What a bunch of disingenuous humps.

For all of that, for this veritable orgy of new taxation (from the president who promised not to raise taxes on average folks), I've got to admit, it doesn't seem like the Democrats are on their game. It used to be that Democrats could create a tax as easy as kiss-your-hand, conjuring up righteous-sounding levies that were explained away in a few words, wouldn't cost us much and served the public good to boot. These recently proposed taxes are all retreads: tried before and mostly failed. So, to help them out, OffHisMeds will offer a series of suggestions for additional taxes they can inflict on the public.

Here's the first: FUCT (Footprint Utilization Carbon Tax):

Every American will be allocated a yearly "Carbon Credit" equivalent to the Carbon emissions of the average Belgian. These will be audited by battalions of new government employees, thus fulfilling Obama's promise to "save or create 3.5 million jobs". These auditors will calculate your AGC (Annual Gasoline Consumption), OORV (Ownership Of Recreational Vehicles), SUVOR (Sport Utility Vehicle Ownership Ratio), AGEA (Avoidance of Green Energy Alternatives) and PHUC (Personal Household Utility Consumption).

Based on a mind-numbingly complex formula that can only be completed on NASA's now under-used Supercomputers, FUCT will calculate a tax of $1,500.00 per household; exempted, of course, will be all government employees and other wards of the state.

Of course, so as not to offend their core constituencies, Democrats will not at this time be factoring WANT (Work Avoiding Non Taxpayer), GEHPPA (Government Employee Handicapped Parking Permit Abusers), WALOTS (Wide Ass Load On The Sidewalk), or SCAM (Sam's Club Appetizer Monger) into the FUCT equation.

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