Friday, April 17, 2009

Would You Let These Guys Babysit Your Child?

The Usual Suspects are at it again, this time demanding that the US submit to yet another United Nations scam on child-rearing, the sole result of which will be the further loss of personal freedoms in the U.S., the inevitable confiscation of yet more of our wealth, and our further integration into a nefarious "World Community" composed mostly of people and nations who - on their best day - couldn't hold our jock strap when it comes to human rights, much less the rights of children.

In her article "It's time for us to ratify pact on rights for children", children's "advocate" Randy Burton, founder of "Justice For Children" uses questionable data to reach questionable conclusions. Burton states that in the U.S. "....1,300 children die each year of abuse and neglect....and....90% of those children were age 5 or under". She then goes on to lobby for the USA to surrender our sovereignty to the United Nations by ratifying the UN "Convention on the Rights of Children" treaty, effectively making the UN the agency that can dictate to all Americans how to raise their kids.

Burton's statistics sound authoritative, but actual government data on the subject are all over the map:

- The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported in 2006 that there were "more than 200" cases of death yearly due to abuse and neglect in children under five in the United States.

- In yet another report, the US government reported in 2008 that there were 1,100 fatalities in children under five yearly due to neglect and abuse, the study that Burton chose to cite.

While Burton is busy giving credence to the worst-case scenarios to justify our surrender to the UN, it's worth pointing out that the UN's performance to date makes a case against a further collaboration with them, not a case for it. After all, this is the organization that has coddled the worst child-killers in the world. Throughout the undeveloped world, the death of children due to disease, malnutrition, tribal warfare and violence is epidemic, most notably in the cases of Rwanda, North Korea and Darfur. In these countries and others, time after time the UN has stood by and let tens of thousands of children die every year. So why is it that Ms. Robbins thinks that surrendering to the United Nations is a good idea?

Burton also advocates for yet more "rights" for children, including access to legal counsel dictated by Child Welfare agencies against the wishes of their parents. Shades of Marion Wright Edelman and a younger Hillary Clinton flacking for the "Children's Defense Fund". They too constructed such a Straw Man back in the '70s by arguing that children don't already have the protection of the State when parents are abusive or neglectful to justify this new "right". The real purpose of such a law would be to allow underage children to literally sue their parents when they disagreed with how they were being raised, with the gargantuan Federal and State child welfare agencies being the arbiter between child and parent.

You're already seeing this play out in reality today, as total strangers can not only give your underage children condoms, but provide them with graphic demonstrations in the classroom, complete with a banana or other phallic substitute. These same strangers can also arrange an abortion for your daughter, even transporting her across State lines in contravention of the Mann Act; and all without the parents knowing a damn thing.

The whole purpose of such legislation is of course to yet further expand an already humongously large and humongously ineffective bureaucracy. Just as the Education establishment will finally get it right so long as we pour just a few more trillions into Education, HHS and CPS will finally get child care right if we just let them get a little bit bigger, and surrender just a few more of our freedoms to the Nanny State and the United Nations.

It is typical of the liberal prescription for the World's ills to focus on the United States as the source of any problem, statistics be damned, and Burton is no exception. She notes in her editorial that "all UN countries are signatories to the treaty except for the United States and Somalia". Subtle. Only the U.S. and that bastion of piracy, Somalia, have been so nefarious as to stand in the way of Progress, at least as she defines it. I wonder if a Thrill went up her leg when she connected those particular dots?

For Obama-era Liberals, there is apparently no World consensus that must not be adhered to. Memo to Randy Burton: the rest of the world was unanimous on the Kyoto Protocols too. You remember, the Global Warming initiative modeled on the UN's Oil-For-Food program whose only purpose was to siphon hundreds of billions of dollars per year out of the U.S. and give it to the World's worst polluters? The one the Senate defeated 99 to 0 when it came to a vote?

And just because Randy Burton and the U.S. government says authoritatively that it was either 200 children that died of neglect and abuse in America, or 1,100, it's worth keeping in mind that the folks generating these statistics are the same social welfare types who told you ten years ago that there were 3 million homeless people in America, when there was really less than 300,000. As recently as 2007, they were telling you that there were upwards of 300,000 homeless Veterans, when the actual number of homeless vets is likely in the range of a few thousand.

Not that numbers matter. The actual number of deaths of small children in the U.S. could be 50, and the same people would be blathering on about how "we're not doing enough to protect our children", while all over the world, there's a shortage of girls because so many societies abort them - up to and including full term - because boys are more cherished in many societies, and enslave a goodly percentage of the rest.

There's no doubt that we need to address the problem of child abuse as vigorously as possible, but advocating that the USA submit to an organization as criminally incompetent as the United Nations will result in the further destruction of the American family and higher rates of child death, not lower. Meanwhile, the tiresome and relentless predictability of Liberal solutions to society's problems always seem to accomplish the exact opposite of their objective.

In this instance, it seems Democrats aren't going to be content until they've totally destroyed the American Family, as they have done to Black Families in America for the past sixty years. If they want to discern the cause of death of hundreds of children and thousands of adults each year due to neglect and abuse, they should try looking in the mirror.

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