Thursday, April 30, 2009

Planned Parenthood Promotes Pimps & Pedophiles

I read with great interest a story in the Monday newspaper about a student from UCLA who posed as a pregnant teenage girl so as to pull a "Sting" on Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is, of course, the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party devoted to promoting abortion amongst women. If you think that's an unfair characterization of their purpose, you need only check the public record to appreciate that a greatly disproportionate percentage of their efforts and funding are directed to providing Abortion services compared to all other methods of birth control. And when you think about it, that rather stands in contradiction to the name of the organization, since there's nothing "Planned" about pregnancy, at least when it comes to 99% of Planned Parenthood's pregnant clients.

But let's set aside for the moment that Planned Parenthood does a crappy job of preventing pregnancy, is the single largest agency promoting abortion in America, and rarely advocates for unexpected mothers to carry their children to term, that being so 70s and all, not to mention having a whiff of Religious Fundamentalism about it. No, the bigger question is: why is Planned Parenthood aiding and abetting Pedophiles and Pimps?

The case of Student Activist and You Tube star Lila Rose makes it abundantly clear that they are. Ms. Rose has "Stung" several Planned Parenthood clinics all over the country, asking for an abortion even though she made it clear that she was a minor female and her boyfriend was an adult. In the latest instance, she told a counselor that she was 13 and that her boyfriend was 31 (nice symmetry there; I wonder if the folks at PP appreciated the Irony?). She then stated she didn't want him to get in any trouble, since Health Care workers are required to report instances of statutory rape as well as other sex crimes. The "aide" in question told Ms. Rose that if she reported that a 31 year old man was involved, she would have to report it. Then, to move the abortion option forward, the aide tells Ms. Rose "OK, I didn't hear the age. I don't want to know the age." Ms. Rose then suggests she portray the father as a Middle School classmate, and the Aide agrees with her.

This isn't by any means the first time pro-lifers have conducted stings on Planned Parenthood and forced similar damaging admissions. What is surprising though has been the lack of follow through by the Media, various regulatory agencies and our Prosecutors. For example, why do Planned Parenthood employees get off with suspension, administrative penalties and only the very occasional termination? Where are the criminal charges for aiding and abetting sex crimes? And why does Planned Parenthood as an Organization get off with virtually no penalties? Where are the Grand Juries investigating what is clearly an institutionalized attempt to subverting the laws that protect Minors from Pedophiles? Why aren't the RICO statutes used against PP in what is clearly the very behavior pattern of Organized Crime for which the laws were meant?

More than anything else, why do we fund with billions of our tax dollars an organization devoted to the destruction of human life, both nascent and living? It's bad enough they advocate for not just abortion but abortion in its most gruesome forms, including Partial Birth abortion on full-term babies. It's bad enough that they advocate for girls as young as 13 being allowed to get abortions without the knowledge of their parents. Now they not only advocate for the availability of Abortifactants like Plan B for girls as young as 13 and it's accessibility by men, they are caught time and time again enabling criminal activity.

Absent the "Sting" aspect of this story, the case in question bears remarkable similarities to a Blog I did a few days ago wherein I described the recent court ruling to make the Plan B "Morning After" pill available to girls of 17 - and eventually to girls of any age - without a prescription and without Parental Notification. Planned Parenthood has been one of the loudest and most effective advocates for this policy. The dirty little detail that was played down in most Media reports, though, was that Plan B could also be purchased by adult men. I connected the rather obvious dots in asking why - if Abortion Advocates were truly concerned about empowering only teenage girls - this drug would be sold to any man other than the child's father?

The clear result of such a policy is to enable Pedophiles and Pimps, the only males who would stand to gain - either personally or monetarily - from such a policy. Pedophiles get to "clean up their mess" time and time again, not to mention improve their prospects for repeatedly having unprotected sex with minors, just by getting their victims to take two pills. Pimps get to improve their Bottom Line by managing unwanted pregnancies in a cost effective manner. The fact that the inevitable outcome of allowing men to purchase Plan B would be an explosion of STDs amongst prostitutes and minor girls seems to have escaped the Social Engineers in the Democrat Party, the Federal Government, and their various advocacy groups.

Planned Parenthood: making it safe for Pervs to rape your underage daughters.

Your tax dollars at work.

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever been pregnant? I don't know what the facts are in this case, not have I ever had an abortion. But I have been pregnant and it's not an easy thing to go through. I think the job of PP in these situations is to protect their patient, and I think that's what they're doing. If their sting operation is lying going in about the circumstances, who's to say they're telling the truth about what was said?

    If anti-abortion folks were so gung-ho to prevent fetal death, why not go out and promote contracaption, or help to improve the lives of pregnant women and teens by helping support their babies?


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