Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Media Get Another Thrill Up Their Leg

Oh my, what a fuss they make in Democratland when there is an opportunity - however fleeting - to dredge up Camelot. OffHisMeds has observed that whether it is Democrats or The Media (to the extent that you can distinguish one from the other), so wanton is their desire, so ardent their need, they would not stoop to digging Jackie O bodily out of the ground if they thought that would help the latest heirs of the Kennedy aura - Barack and Michelle Obama - to their rightful Celebrity Station.

The Usual Suspects are working overtime to revive the Mystique of Kennedy. They swooned when Michelle arrived in London. They gushed when she made it to Paris. They gleefully portrayed Carla Bruni of France as Yesterday's news, going so far as to impart to Michelle - as attractive as she is - an iconic beauty and sexiness that she does not possess. They compare her - endlessly - to Jackie Kennedy, as if that was a good thing. Michelle went over big in Europe, mostly because she was - to the True Believers - The One. Trust me on this one. Most of the world wants to nail Carla. Michelle and Jackie, not so much.

Speaking of which, am I the only person in America who remembers the real Jackie Kennedy, or should I say Jackie O? A love for clothes, social station and status so complete as to be a thing that cried out for parody? A face dominated by a toothy grin and eyes that would readily transfer to a Dali poster? And does nobody remember the grating accent? A nasally Boston Brahmin with a smattering of upper crust Brit and just a dash of Français, Kennedy satirized herself merely by opening her mouth. Does nobody remember that you almost never heard Jackie speak during Kennedy's presidency? It's because it was so painful to listen to her. On this point JFK's instincts were flawless. Of course, he had to listen to her more than the rest of us.

On the subject of clothes, a quick memo to Sarah Palin: Designer duds are now back and guilt free; the Media Mambos have so declared, as they trip over each other to read the labels on Michelle's clothing, shoes, luggage and - who knows - probably her underwear as well, and then report it all back to a breathless and celebrity starved public.

As to the press fawning over Michelle Obama for feeling up the Queen Of England, whether it was "appropriate" or not, I am amused that they would portray the incident as not only appropriate, but avante garde; and not only avante garde, but Significant. Just as with Barack, she can do no wrong. Every faux pas is readily converted - along with reality - into a virtue. Every gesture or word is fraught with meaning, whether it is or not. And all in service of The One.

On this subject OffHisMeds is not near so concerned about Michelle inappropriately touching the Queen - however briefly - as he is with the extent to which The Media and Democrats inappropriately touch themselves - constantly - whenever they mention the Obamas. If you think there's something creepily undemocratic about the Democrats worship of Royalty, you're not alone. They've been indulging these teenage girl fantasies for generations, relentlessly stalking one Liberal icon after the next, desperate for somebody able to scale the Tower and sweep them away, or touch a sword upon their shoulders, or invite them into the Salon for Meaningful Conversation.

Or perhaps, perhaps, into the Presidential bedchamber. Barack being King of the World and all, it would not be beyond the worldly mores of his worshippers to submit to a Presidential quickie, without so much as a promise to protect a woman's right to choose in return, as Nina Burleigh so giddily proclaimed of Bill Clinton. When it comes to romantic fantasies involving helpless Damsels with a bodice ripe for removal, Barbara Cartland's novels ain't got nothing on Democrats. That includes Democrat men by the way. The only reason Charlie Gibson and Brian Williams haven't tricked themselves out in a peasant dress complete with cleavage is that Obama hasn't asked them to. Yet.

So, they content themselves to flack Michelle wherever and whenever, but there's a cautionary tale in there somewhere. By so inflating Michelle's celebrity, the Media and Democrats run the risk of neutralizing her ability to position herself as a serious player on policy. Who in their right mind would trust Jackie O or Carla Bruni with Health Care, for example? And make no mistake, Michelle is positioning herself as a serious player.

Meanwhile, no word yet as to any further intimacies the Obama's have planned for the World's Royalty, Prime Ministers and Dictators. I look forward with great anticipation to the next episode of "Michelle touching people inappropriately!". Watch in amazement as The First Lady fondles world leaders, kneads Royalty and shakes the left hand of the Princes of Islam. Or perhaps a Wet Willie for some Mullah in the obligatory reception line.

Now that is something I would gladly allow that the Media should cover, with high praise.

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