Sunday, April 12, 2009

Barack's Obeisance Tour

Our President-in-training has been a busy Chief Executive. The flood of statements, legislation, proposals, Tonight Show appearances, virtual townhall meetings, proclamations and directives since his inauguration has been downright dizzying. Why, his reversals of former Bush policies alone would represent a normal two month's work for a typical President, but not Obama. From closing Guantanamo to the Frankensteinian harvesting of fetuses to abandoning such terms as terrorist, Obama has been working overtime to delegitimize not just George W. Bush, but most everything America has stood for in the past eight years. And so intent is he on advancing his agenda, that he has dispensed with the normal courtesy of not criticizing his predecessor, throwing W under the bus with a zeal that would be unseemly for, say, a bilious partisan like James Carville, much less the President of the United States.

Makes you wonder if he will have left himself anything to say - much less do - six months from now.

Which leaves us to contemplate the effects of all that rhetoric, particularly Obama's Worldwide Prostration Tour. In mere days, The Apologizer-In-Chief and his minions have:

- Tacitly apologized to the Russians for America's behavior in the past eight years, lending that brutal oligarchy a moral equivalence to America's democracy, complete with a symbol: the dreadfully embarrassing "reset" button, shaped as it was like the nuclear launch button found in every cheesy movie about Armageddon ever made.

- Suggested to the Soviets that America would unilaterally dismantle the anti-missile system staged in Eastern Europe designed to protect Europe from Iran's nuclear ambitions, so long as the Russkis would be nice to us.

- Advised Europe that an Obama-led America will not pursue a "war on terror", thus undoing eight years of a reasonable foreign policy with even a semblance of backbone.

- Went to Turkey and declared to the parliament of this Islamist republic that America was not "at war with Islam", and thus implicitly established as a fact that Bush's war on terrorism was a "war with Islam".

- Sent a video love letter to the Mullahs of Iran, announcing his intentions to honor their wishes as opposed to those of the freedom-loving peoples of Iran, lending their terrorist theocracy the same moral legitimacy with the U.S. that he granted to the Russians.

- Announced a unilateral effort to "eliminate nuclear weapons" from the world, notwithstanding that those nuclear weapons are America's - and the civilized world's - last guarantor of freedom.

- Revived the dreadful Kyoto Protocols, an agreement that essentially allowed for the extortion of countless billions of U.S. taxpayers dollars by the worst polluters in the world, and literally had provisions that incented these polluters to produce more pollution so as to maximize the money they could then extort from America.

- Announced plans to begin eliminating conventional weapons systems, including funding for the F-22 Raptor and missile defense, both essential to countering the growing military ambitions of China, not to mention the nuclear blackmail of nations like Russia and Iran.

- Announced plans to join the six nation talks on nuclear weapons with Iran without pre-condition, garnering a thumbs-up from Ahmadinejad, and apparently embracing the do-nothing strategy of the spineless Europeans that so contributed to North Korea's successful development of nuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver them.

- Eased most travel and trade restrictions with Cuba as a precursor to normalization, even as Cuba chafes under the iron thumb of the Castro brothers.

- Flew to Iraq to announce America's complete withdrawal from Iraq by 2010, a move so unexpected the Iraqis themselves were dismayed. Suicide bombings escalated the following day.

- Prostrated himself before King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, his head bobbing down to the level of His Majesty's genitals, a gesture that is not without significance to Islamist Imperialists.

It's amateur hour in the White House, and Barack's Obeisance tour has accomplished in mere weeks what the nation's other famous Apologizer-In-Chief Bill Clinton never achieved in two terms: a veritable prostration before the world acknowledging that America was not only the source of most of the world's problems, but evil to boot. Adding insult to America's injury, Obama took it a step further in explicitly and unilaterally repudiating not only the policies of his predecessor, George W. Bush, but of his predecessor's predecessor, Bill Clinton. Say what you will of Boy Clinton, he at least kept most of the essential building blocks - military and diplomatic - of American foreign policy in place; policies that had been forged by a succession of Presidents - Democrat and Republican - going all the way back to Woodrow Wilson.

Never has one President undone so much in so little time for so little return. Forget whatever value you think each of the pieces of Bush's foreign policy might have had; they were all potential bargaining chips that Obama could have used to force meaningful concessions from the World's Bad Actors to counter their nefarious ambitions. Instead, he frittered them all away without getting anything in return, and humiliated himself - and his country - in return. What's next? The mind boggles. Perhaps a quick trip to Venezuela to chat live with Hugo Chavez on his radio show, complete with an abject apology for supporting Columbia in its efforts to fend off the druglords who poison our children with cocaine. Perhaps Obama will take a knee the next time he greets the King Abdullah, getting his face perilously ever closer to the Royal Johnson, whilst simultaneously declaring his conversion to Islam.

It's hard to imagine who the biggest losers are with Obama's actions. The American people come to mind, as does any portion of Western Europe that had hoped to avoid being swept up by the Islamist tidal wave engulfing the EU; and of course, there's the people of the former Soviet puppets who so recently gained their freedom from Commie oppression. For all that, though, my money is on Israel as The Biggest Loser. With the vast majority of the announcements he made above, I can't help but think that the one thing he has done was to communicate in no uncertain terms to the Israelis that they are on their own, and to their Islamist enemies that it is open season on Israelis.

It's hard to imagine how he could have done more harm with his words, that is, until two days ago, when he came up with a way to harm us further still by saying nothing at all. As usual, The Media found a way to turn it into a virtue.

Kathleen Parker - the faux Republican for the Washington Post whom I have skewered in the past - wrote an article with a fresh innovation in what has become the growth industry for Media Bobbleheads: complimenting, nay, praising, Obama. In her article "Obama tough enough in handling N. Korea", she gives the President props for, rather uncharacteristically, having nothing to say. I won't bore you with the details other than that Parker managed to devote 600 words to praising Obama for making no gesture or pronouncement about the recent launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile by North Korea.

Not that that is necessarily a bad thing, it's just that his non-pronouncement caught The Media off guard, inasmuch as they had never not heard Obama say something about anything up until that point. Plus they've been having a hard time keeping up with our Peripatetic President. Having already exhausted all of the superlatives in the English language, they had been scrambling of late for ways to renew the franchise, and unless they came up with something quick, they might have actually been put in the position of having to, you know, report on him objectively. The Horror. So, imagine the Media's relief when Parker and others started complimenting Obama for saying nothing. Sheer genius, as presidents throughout history have been capable of long stretches of saying nothing, all of which in this modern era is then ripe to be spun into the proper context by Parker and her clones, and regurgitated as yet another compliment for Obama. Harmony has been restored in the Media universe.

It would be quibbling of me to point out that, in the one instance where Obama arguably should have spoken up that he was silent, but I'll take what I can get. I'm actually OK with Obama saying nothing, even if it hurts us. I wish he would do more of it.

1 comment:

  1. Dennis and Donna need to sign up for your blogs. Please invite them.


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