Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Real Cost Of A Government Job

We are right to bitch about Obama's recent "stimulus" package, and his nebulous claims that the $876 billion spent will "save or create 2.5 million jobs". I along with many others pointed out that this comes out to $350,000 per job. With his weasle words about "save or create", if he only created one additional job, that job would end up costing $876 billion, but that's on the high side, and we should hold off on judging him until the results are in.

But that aside, do we really have a right to complain about the Stimulus package? After all, the federal government now spends $3.5 trillion to create 15 million jobs. That works out to $233,000 per job, so he's not too far off the government average.

Now granted, the Private Sector creates the other 100 million jobs that government does not, at an average cost of $55,000 per job, but don't dwell on that too long or you will just drive yourself crazy......

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