Sunday, March 29, 2009

LTE: Cost questioned

In the otherwise excellent article about the preservation of the Battleship Texas, (“Battle on home front; groups can’t agree on a final resting place for aging warship; leave it at the San Jacinto Battlefield or move it to Galveston,” Page B1 Thursday), reporter Harvey Rice included a comparison of the cost of the Texas back in 1911 to the cost of a battleship today. He reckoned a modern battleship would cost $256 million, but that is way, way too low. For comparison, Iowa class battleships cost $125 million back in the early 1940s, when the dollar was worth only 1/15th what it is today. In the modern age, when a quarter of a billion dollars gets you only four F-22 Raptor jets, you can bet a state of the art battleship would cost almost 10 times the amount reported.

Pete Smith, Cypress

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