Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Immigration Causes Global Warming

One of the enduring truths of political life in America is that Democrats are rarely called on the inconsistency of their positions. Take Illegal Immigration and the impact on our environment, for example. While there are a handful of Republicans who support unfettered immigration, this is rightly an issue owned by the Democrats. While Democrats try to deflect this by perpetuating the myth that Republican "businessmen" rely on immigrants for cheap labor, it is entirely a bipartisan affair, willfully abetted by millions of Americans too lazy to cut their own grass or rear their own kids, or - more accurately - too cheap to pay the "going rate" of having an American citizen do it.

It is also the case that Democrats rely on immigrants for voters, not to mention the various pathologies they inflict on the U.S. that necessitate more government, more taxation and thus, more Democrat power.

And yet.

Democrats are also the party of Global Warming. As only the most prominent of an endless procession of prominent Democrats, Al Gore lectures and hectors that, if we don't reduce so-called "Greenhouse Gases" - consisting of CO2, Methane and water vapor - there will be Global Catastrophe. Never mind that two of those substances are benevolent and the other one arguably harmless, Democrats gleefully break America's piggy bank to fund, among many other things, an incomprehensible grab bag of Global Warming initiatives for everything ranging from Wind power to Solar power to Geothermal power to Ethanol production to Energy Conservation to Carbon Sequestration to Conservation.

Besides massive funding for all of these programs, Democrats also plan to permanently tax the consumption of power through Carbon Credits, taxes on oil, taxes on gasoline, so-called "Windfall Profits" taxes, cash payments to the U.N. and adherence to the Kyoto Protocols, a mindlessly perverse program whereby the U.S. - and only the U.S. - pays the worst polluters in the world countless billions so that they can not only continue to pollute but actually increase their pollution, thus creating a so-called incentive for the U.S. to pollute less whilst simultaneously paying ever more.

Never mind that there is no coherence to any of these programs. Fear trumps coherence. And as President Obama has so amply proven in his first six weeks in office, Democrats are the party of fear, and their apocalyptic rhetoric regarding the Stimulus Package should be all the proof reasonable people require to reach that conclusion. The $840 billion dollar bill was passed not only without being read, but without even being provided to the Republican opposition in enough time that they could briefly thumb its pages and expose its more egregious boondoggles. Likewise with the $410 billion dollar spending bill they passed the following week. There is no warning too dire, no outcome too terrible to contemplate that Democrats will not give voice to in the pursuit of their objectives. It has ever been thus.

Which brings us to the subject of Global Warming and Immigration.

A reasonable case can be made that increasing our population is actually the worst thing to do if one's objective is to control Greenhouse Gas emissions. After all, each immigrant - legal or otherwise - represents not only incremental consumption, but necessitates more infrastructure to provide for their needs. That means more housing, roads, sewers, power plants, transmission lines, bridges, schools, water systems, and garbage removal, to name the most significant. That is incremental consumption of resources and power that would otherwise not be required. If America stabilized its population, infrastructure requirements would be in a maintenance mode, not the mindless "expansion" being advocated now.

Democrats are fearless in the face of this contradiction. Never ones to let a sane argument get in the way of their objectives, Democrat politicians thunder on about "investment" in our "crumbling" infrastructure, never mind that it wouldn't be quite so crumbly if we hadn't inflicted an extra 20 million people on it in the past twenty years in the form of Illegals. Just look at the numbers. Democrats maintain that the U.S. generates upwards of 6 billion metric tons of CO2 per year. That's 20 metric tons per citizen. Simple math would show that 20 million less people would mean 400 million metric tons of CO2 that would not be produced by the U.S. annually, had we not allowed Illegal Immigrants into the country. The actual figure is likely much higher, given the infrastructure production necessary to support them, and the fact that they drive a disproportionate number of the Beaters on America's roadways.

Now, the flood of Illegals threatens a population time bomb as well, given their relative fertility rates compared to average Americans. How do Democrats feel about the extra 100 to 150 million in population that will result by 2100 from unchecked immigration? That will be at least 2 to 3 billion extra metric tons of CO2 produced per year, assuming we maintain current rates of energy consumption. The actual figure will likely be double that, based on reasonable projections of actual energy consumption.

It strikes me as passing strange that worldwide population control - a favorite theme of Democrats everywhere - should not be looked on as a cure to America's Global Warming "crisis". But then again, if there's any means of population control that doesn't involve birth control or an aborted fetus, Dems generally can't get too excited. That said, they are perfectly content for America to be a population safety valve for a narco-terrorist state like Mexico, as long as it suits their political ends.

My Grandma counseled that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" - as did all of our Grandmothers - as straightforward a prescription for avoiding a population explosion so as to mitigate Global Warming as you could imagine. Of course, our Grandmas also honored the common sense implicit in those words.

But that the same could be said of Democrats.

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