Thursday, March 19, 2009

AIG Execs Should Go To Jail

Froma Harrop want's "jail time for culprits of AIG fiasco". She "sees no justice in paying $165 million in bonuses to the AIG execs whose reckless conduct led to a $170 billion (so far) bailout".

I agree. There should be a Special Prosecutor appointed immediately, and let's start by finding out which Party and which politicians received the lion's share of campaign contributions from these executives that allowed them to perpetrate their fraud in the first place. If Ms. Harrop is serious about "jail time for culprits of AIG fiasco", Congress would not be a bad place to start.

1 comment:

  1. Might we not, at the same time, and in the interest of maximizing taxpayer money during these hearings, investigate the fraud, mismanagement, and obscene bonuses paid to executives who ran FreddieMac and FannieMae in the ground?
    Again, perhaps Congress would be a great place to start.
    Nah, probably not.
    That would entail honesty and integrety by the individuals running the hearings; those things that are in short supply in Washington DC.


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