Monday, January 12, 2015

The Braying Donkey

Regarding "Republican Congress’s first days are confrontational" (Sunday xTra), it was interesting and more than a little irritating to find that politics and opinion - heretofore confined to the Viewpoints section of the Sunday paper - were masquerading as news in the xTra section.  

Case in point, this hit piece by Chris Tomlinson, who bans all Republicans from polite society, portraying them as nothing but partisan obstructionists because of first week legislation that he describes as the "ideologically-driven, symbolic and ultimately fruitless grandstanding that has led to years of inaction."

Chris might be ready to throw in the towel after just one week, but first, he should acquaint himself with the facts.  Passing proactive legislation such as the Keystone Pipeline is by its very definition not obstructionist. And it was Senate Democrats who did little these past two years other than kill hundreds of bills sent over to them by the House, many with bipartisan support and including, ironically, Keystone. 

Tomlinson's beef is not with Republican politicians, it is with an American electorate that not only put them into power but swept them into power virtually across the board, and in all precincts. Tomlinson might focus on why this is true, as opposed to simply shouting Democrat Talking Points.  Finally, discriminating consumers crave news over opinion.  If the Chron is going to keep the xTra section, you should consider keeping it to hard news. 

Pete Smith 
Houston, TX

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